Use this form to search our collection. You can find records by filling in search fields and/or by selecting items from a list. Leave a field blank to match all records. You may also limit your search to a specific area by selecting a Collection. Click on the link in the first column of the results list to see detailed information about your selection. Drawing copies must be ordered using our Drawing Order Form. All fields--including Object Number, Drawing Number, and Location--must be filled out to complete order. Collection~ match any ~DocumentsDrawingsEphemeraMap or DiagramsPublicationsTimetables Object Number Item Number Railroad~ match any ~Akron, Canton & Youngstown (ACY)Alabama Tennessee & Norfolk (ATN)Alton & Southern (ALS)Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA) (ACA)American Association of Railroads (AAR)AMTRAK (AMTRAK)Apache Railroad (APA)Associated industry (IND)Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe (ATSF)Atlantic Coast Line (ACL)AutoTrain (AUT)Ayrshire Mine (Collieries) (AMIN)Baltimore & Ohio (BO)Bangor & Aroostook (BAR)Bessemer & Lake Erie (BLE)Boston & Maine (BM)Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern (BCRN)Burlington Northern (BN)Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF)Canadian National (CN)Canadian National/Illinois Central (CNIC)Canadian Pacific (CP)Central of Georgia (CG)Central Railroad of New Jersey (CNJ)Central Railway of Arkansas (CA)Central Vermont (CV)Chesapeake & Ohio (CO)Chessie System (CSX)Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (CBQ)Chicago & Eastern Illinois (CEI)Chicago Great Western (CGW)Chicago Indianapolis & Louisville (CIL)Chicago Milwaukee & Puget Sound (CMPS)Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul (CMSP)Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific (CMSTPP)Chicago & North Western (CNW)Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific (CRIP)Chicago, South Shore & South Bend (CSSSB)Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha (CMO)Chicago, Terre Haute & Southeastern (CTHSE)Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)Chicago & Western Indiana (CWI)Chicago & West Michigan (CWM)Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf (COG)Cincinnati New Orleans & Texas Pacific (CNTP)Colorado & Southern (CS)Consolidated Railroad Corporation (CONRAIL)Copper Range (CR)Coras Iompair Eireann (Irish Transport System) (CIE)Delaware & Hudson (DH)Delaware, Lackawanna & Western (DLW)Demonstrator (DEMO)Denver & Rio Grande Western (DRGW)Duluth & Iron Range (DIR)Duluth Missabe & Iron Range (DMIR)Duluth Missabe & Northern (DMN)Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic (DSSA)East Broad Top (EBT)Elgin, Joliet & Eastern (EJE)Erie (ERIE)Erie Lackawanna (EL)Fairbanks Morse (FM)Florida East Coast (FEC)Government agency (GOV)Grand Trunk (GT)Grand Trunk Western (GTW)Great Northern (GN)Gulf Mobile & Ohio (GMO)Hannibal & St. Joseph (HSTJ)Illinois Central (IC)Illinois Central Gulf (ICG)Illinois Central Industries (ICI)Indiana Harbor Belt (IHB)Indianapolis Union (IU)Iowa Central (IAC)Kansas City Southern (KCS)Kentucky & Indiana Terminal (KIT)Keweenaw Central (KCRR)Lake Superior & Ishpeming (LSI)Lehigh Valley (LV)Long Island Railroad (LIRR)Louisville & Nashville (LN)Memphis, Helena & Louisiana (MHL)METRA (METRA)Mexican National Railroads (CHP)Michigan Central (MC)Milwaukee Lake Shore & Western (MLSW)Milwaukee & Northern (MN)Mineral Range (MRRR)Minneapolis & St. Louis (MSTL)Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie (Soo Line) (SOO)Missouri-Kansas-Texas (MKT)Missouri Pacific (Mopac) (MP)Mobile & Ohio (MO)Monon (MON)Montana Central Railway (MCR)Montana Western (MW)Nashville Chattanooga & St. Louis (NCSL)New Orleans & Northeastern (NON)New York Central (NYC)New York, Chicago & St. Louis (Nickel Plate) (NKP)New York, New Haven and Hartford (NH)New York, New Haven & Hartford (NYNHH)no applicable railroad (NONE)Norfolk Southern (NS)Norfolk & Western (NW)Northern Pacific (NP)Organization (union or otherwise) (ORG)Other (OTHER)Other Railroad (RR)Penn Central (PC)Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR)Pittsburgh Chartiers & Youghiogheny (PCY)Pittsburgh & West Virginia (PWV)Quincy & Torch Lake (QTL)Reading (RDG)Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac (RFP)Seaboard Air Line (SAL)Seaboard Coast Line (SCL)Southern (SOU)Southern Pacific (SP)St. Louis & San Francisco (Frisco) (SLSF)St. Louis Southwestern (Cotton Belt) (SLSW)St Paul Minneapolis & Manitoba (SPMM)Tennesee Valley Authority (TVA)Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis (TRRA)Texas & New Orleans (TNO)Texas & Pacific (TP)The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Co. (TMERL)Toledo, Peoria & Western (TPW)Union Pacific (UP)Union Railroad (URR)Utah Railway (UTAH)Virginian (VGN)Wabash (WAB)Washington & Ohio (WO)Western Maryland (WM)Western Pacific (WP)White Pass & Yukon (WPY)Winona & St. Peter (WSTP)Wisconsin Central (WC)Yazoo & Mississippi Valley (YMV) Title The results below show which categories of our collection contained records that match general search criteria entered above. Each category has its own search critera with more options. 101,550 records matched. 95003 itemsmatched in the Drawings category. 3617 itemsmatched in the Documents category. 2008 itemsmatched in the Map or Diagrams category. 616 itemsmatched in the Timetables category. 293 itemsmatched in the Ephemera category. 13 itemsmatched in the Publications category.